

Now more than ever, industry professionals are challenged to cut costs and produce results more quickly. Topcon meets those demands at a conceptual crossroads we call “The Intersection of Infrastructure and Technology” where construction, surveying, and engineering professionals find advantages and know-how to be at the forefront of technological innovation—to increase productivity and profitability— for growing infrastructure needs.


The world has a long to-do list!

With 9 billion people expected on the planet by 2030, there's a lot of work to be done. We'll need more housing, roads and utilities, not to mention more food for the extra tables. Topcon is driven to help you meet these demands with innovative solutions that help you work smarter and faster to create sustainable infrastructure and agriculture.

Topcon helps you address the challenges of modern agriculture from planning and field preparation to harvest with a modular, open architecture platform that grows when you are ready to maximize efficiency and lower your cost of doing business. 

The savings from precision farming are well documented. Count on savings of 7-10% on crop inputs. Add another 10% with precision guidance and control. Add even more with water management, digital weighing and tracking solutions and data management. 

Imagine how these savings continue to grow when you manage your entire operation with Topcon components that not only take you full season=, but also provide unmatched data management during and after the season- allowing you to plan for higher profitability in the season to come.

Whether you strategy is cost reduction, yield increase, or both, the Topcon modular approach to precision technology offers solutions that can Grow with You. 


Agisoft Photogrammetric Kit For Topcon


Intel® Falcon™ 8+ Drone – Topcon Edition


ClearEdge3D Rithm For Navisworks


MAGNET Mobile Ag Network


MR-2 Modular GNSS Receiver


MAGNET Modeler For Autodesk®


C-53 Intelligent Compaction


I-53 Indicate Dozer System


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